Renowned for his captivating documentaries, John Kinhart is an accomplished director with four feature films to his credit. Notably, he served as an editor on the critically acclaimed 8: The Mormon Proposition (2010), which premiered at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival. His latest documentary, Married to Comics (2023), reflects his fascination with autobiographical cartooning and offers an intimate and gripping portrayal of the art and marriage of pioneering autobiographical comics couple Justin Green and Carol Tyler.
Kinhart’s journey into documentary filmmaking began with the award-winning Blood, Boobs & Beast (2007), an intimate portrait of Baltimore B-movie auteur Don Dohler. This early success paved the way for opportunities, including a role as a camera operator for the MTV docu-series Ke$ha: My Crazy Beautiful Life (2013), providing a behind-the-scenes look into the life of the celebrated pop star. Additionally, he edited On Your Mark, Get Set, MOW! (2012), a captivating glimpse of the offbeat yet fiercely competitive world of lawnmower racing. Among his directing credits is Pigheaded (2016), a in-depth exploration of the life and art of underground cartoonist Skip Williamson. In 2021, Kinhart collaborated with legendary filmmaker Jeff Krulik on Punk & Tomatoes (2021), a compelling web series documenting the unwavering passion of Washington, DC punk enthusiast Bill MacKenzie. Throughout his documentary career Kinhart has interviewed such notable people as J.J. Abrams, George Stephanopoulos, Art Spiegelman, Arianna Huffington, Robert Crumb, Tom Savini, and Phoebe Gloeckner.
In addition to his filmmaking pursuits, Kinhart finds fulfillment in painting, cartooning, and photography. He resides in Silver Spring, Maryland, with his wife and two children.
Kinhart’s journey into documentary filmmaking began with the award-winning Blood, Boobs & Beast (2007), an intimate portrait of Baltimore B-movie auteur Don Dohler. This early success paved the way for opportunities, including a role as a camera operator for the MTV docu-series Ke$ha: My Crazy Beautiful Life (2013), providing a behind-the-scenes look into the life of the celebrated pop star. Additionally, he edited On Your Mark, Get Set, MOW! (2012), a captivating glimpse of the offbeat yet fiercely competitive world of lawnmower racing. Among his directing credits is Pigheaded (2016), a in-depth exploration of the life and art of underground cartoonist Skip Williamson. In 2021, Kinhart collaborated with legendary filmmaker Jeff Krulik on Punk & Tomatoes (2021), a compelling web series documenting the unwavering passion of Washington, DC punk enthusiast Bill MacKenzie. Throughout his documentary career Kinhart has interviewed such notable people as J.J. Abrams, George Stephanopoulos, Art Spiegelman, Arianna Huffington, Robert Crumb, Tom Savini, and Phoebe Gloeckner.
In addition to his filmmaking pursuits, Kinhart finds fulfillment in painting, cartooning, and photography. He resides in Silver Spring, Maryland, with his wife and two children.